Thursday, November 21, 2019

Information Systems Security Assurance Management Article

Information Systems Security Assurance Management - Article Example The disaster that occurred was a major fire that completely destroyed the company’s servers including the entire software code of the programs made for their clients. Moreover, MSS also hosted a few of the programs of their smaller clients on their own servers. The news of the fire was relayed to Brian Elkin, who was in charge of research and development. Teitelbaum was out of town at the moment, so Elkin rushed to Andrew Katula (senior software engineer). It was the practice of the company to take backups of the software regularly. Katula was in the practice of doing so every evening after business, and Elkin was revealed that he did so the previous evening also. The author's state that had this not been done, the company’s business would have come to a stop and might even result in enclosure. When Teitelbaum returned he provided a free reign to his employees to purchase new hardware immediately. MSS’s telephone company, Verizon was asked to forward all calls to a new number. He contacted a friend for temporary office space and within four days had a functioning office with all the required hardware and infrastructure. Only the small clients who had servers with MSS were affected to a certain extent. The hardware vendors went out of their way to get the equipment for MSS. Most of the other clients did not even know about the fire at the company premises. Servers and other equipment are now protected by sensors that switch on cooling fans if the temperature exceeds a certain limit. Backup is being done every day as before. It can be seen that the best disaster management practice was taking daily backups. Otherwise, the company would have suffered irreversible damage.  

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